until next Sunday we can go directly to the foundation which, until now, shown is the largest exhibition in Spain on Arthur Fleming, ie Weegee. Are photographs taken between 30 and 40 and show life New Yorker of the time after the great depression of 1929.
being sufficiently well known photographer Weegee, I describe my impressions of the exhibition and encourage you to see who has not seen. Although late, I've seen on two occasions and both times I liked it.

Especially considering that the flash bulbs were used for single use to be made of filaments mg. But this is not important.

In a large room with fantastic views of the Gran Via, 270 original photographs are presented in black and white. In all the pictures you can see the signature of Weegee: Flat front, without any shame and a big flash of light in the night shots in typical photographer. There are photos where you care for aesthetics, technical perfection or composition, it is photos that tell a story, especially lurid events or parties.
The exhibition is divided into 14 topics:
series begins with a photo with a sign saying: " New York is a friendly city ", however this is not displayed on the photos, people sleeping on fire escapes, children huddled next to a cat, drunk, etc. In general, titles of works denote a very black sense of humor, very witty, I must say that the titles are the original Weegee used to publish the pictures in the newspapers of the time, and especially in this section especially ingenious. For example "A baby pigeon, they have drunk too much" for the photo that shows a drunk sleeping in front of a dove drinking from a bowl. Or the one that shows a drunk at the door of a police station that is entitled: "Hey to the police is not going to like it."
The Bobery : displayed pictures of events decadent and New Year holidays more decadent, photos Weegee style. Striptease
: Linked to the previous topic, see photos of striptease quite decadent. Naked and photomontages
: these works more personal than the photographer, doctored photos featuring also a surreal portrait of Dali and several of the 40 naked.
Fire. Police & Cia : in both areas we see some pictures that made him more famous pictures of misery, murder, arson and several scuffles. In this series is the famous photo of the murdered with the gun on him that says Weege changed upon arrival at the crime scene before the police.
Weegee's people: street several photos of the author. Coney Island
: 3 photos of the beach crowded NY.
Shows: Cinemas, kisses in the movies, people having fun, all outside the presence of the photographer. Sometimes used infrared film and a light bulb to go unnoticed and can make shots in the dark without being photographed is unnoticed.
Street Cinema: bathing children and people on the street having fun. Harlem
: photos same as the rest of New York, but all models are black. Seems to have had the same reputation throughout the city and could visitar cualquir barrio que era conocido por igual.
En la Ópera: muestra fotos de la alta sociedad de New York asistiendo al Metropolitan donde parece que Weegee es muy conocido y aceptado.
Sabados por la noche: mas fotos de las calles de New York.
Circo: en una pequeña sala varias fotos del circo visto por Weegee. Varios animales: monos, elefantes (solo el trasero), girafas, así como trapecistas y payasos comparten la sala con una pequeña muestra de libros originales de la época y unas páginas manuscritas con fotos.

Si la exposición os gusta mas os gustará el catálogo, que por 30€, algo mas baráto of 40 € that we tend to charge for other exposures, we have a very good book of the same, with all the sample photos and text that precedes each item with an aesthetic of the work. I look forward to reading it but it looks great.
therefore, to Sunday 17 is the deadline so as not to miss this jewel of photography in Madrid, I Luis Baylon said in his speech the other day : "One of the exhibits should not be missed."
This is the website of the exhibition:
here we can see some photos of the exhibition and the catalog text:
Http://www.fundacion.telefonica.com/arteytecnologia/exposiciones/weegee/index.html pdf
and published by the Fundación Telefónica with the biography of the author:
http://www.fundacion.telefonica. com / arteytecnologia / presentations / Weegee / pdf / biografia_biography.pdf
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